Show your workspace

workspace(silent = justifier::opts$get("silent"))





clean_workspace(force = TRUE, silent=FALSE);
#> Your justifier workspace has been cleaned and is now empty.
log_decision("First we start using `justifier`.", silent=FALSE);
#> Added new decision with identifier 'gksc_D77j669d4' to a justifier workspace that already contained 0 justifications.
log_decision(paste0("Then we start documenting our ", "decisions and justifications."), silent=FALSE);
#> Added new decision with identifier 'fept_D77j669d5' to a justifier workspace that already contained 1 justifications.
log_decision("Then we start learning from ourselves.", silent=FALSE);
#> Added new decision with identifier 'ynzp_D77j669d5' to a justifier workspace that already contained 2 justifications.
#> A list of 3 justifier elements of type justifierDecision and with identifiers 'gksc_D77j669d4', 'fept_D77j669d5' & 'ynzp_D77j669d5'