All functions |
Case insensitive version of %in% |
Add information from an aggregation tree to a Rxs tree |
Apply multiple DiagrammeR global graph attributes |
Conversion between base10 and base30 |
Convert a "bipiped" value (or vector of values) to a vector |
Concatenate to screen without spaces |
Check for presence of a package |
Check for duplicate sources |
Clone a full Rxs project object |
Return a list of country codes |
Get the cumulative duplicate count |
Get string distances, optionally using multiple cores |
Get default graph theme from options |
Explode a vector to values |
Extract DOI(s) from a character vector |
Flatten all sources' Rxs trees to a wide data frame (somewhat brutally) |
Flatten one or more node values |
Create a heatmap or frequency table from a list of Rxs trees |
Get a single value from a Rxs tree, list of trees, or full Rxs project object |
Get a value list as data frame from an Rxs tree, list of trees, or full Rxs project |
Print a heading |
Import search results |
Liberally checking whether a value is TRUE |
Return the currently knitted file, without |
Look for all entity identifiers that a given pattern |
Adding columns or rows to a matrix |
Merge two Rxs trees ( |
Convert a potentially messy 'network data frame' to a data.tree |
Check whether a prospective node name is valid, sanitize it, and return it |
Options for the metabefor package |
In a list of vectors, pad short vectors |
Printing a tree of R extraction scripts |
Building queries |
Generate quasi-unique record identifier |
Generate a random slug |
Bind lots of dataframes together rowwise |
Simple alternative for rbind.fill or bind_rows |
Read an aggregation tree from a Google Sheets URL |
Convenience function to read spreadsheet-like files |
Render a tree as a graph |
Repeat a string a number of times |
Export an entity to ROCK format and import it back into the Rxs object |
Check whether a Rxs tree has an entity |
Create a long ('tidy') data frame with the full Rxs tree |
An very rudimentary example Rxs specification |
Read and parse the extraction scripts in a directory |
Read and parse one single extraction script |
Parse Rxs (R extraction script) specifications |
Generate an Rxs template |
Validate an Rxs tree |
Sanitize for DiagrammeR |
Retrieve the short DOI for one or more DOIs |
Show an imported Rxs structure |
Something akin to caching |
Specify a search |
In a list of vectors, split vectors to multiple list elements |
Supplement / edit the default graph theme |
Supplement a target entitity node with clustered entity values from another entity node |
Supplement a target entity node with a value from another entity node |
Supplement a full Rxs project object with entities from a tabulated extraction spreadsheet (txs) specification |
Flatten one or more Rxs trees into a tidy data frame |
Perform a transformation selectively |
Perform a transformation for every clustering entity |
Easily parse a vector into a character value |
In an entity, convert a vector to a value list |
Wrap all elements in a vector |
Wrap an error message to try to get users to read it |
Write a JabRef configuration file |
Write a 'screener package' to disk |