This function processes an R extraction script template specification in a spreadsheet format and produce the corresponding R extraction script template file (an R Markdown file with the extension .Rxs.Rmd)

  x = NULL,
  outputFile = NULL,
  outputPath = NULL,
  outputFilenamePattern = NULL,
  localBackup = NULL,
  yamlMetadata = NULL,
  rxsRootName = metabefor::opts$get(rxsRootName),
  preventOverwriting = FALSE,
  errorOnFailingValidation = FALSE,
  silent = metabefor::opts$get("silent"),
  instructionHeadingLevel = 3,
  graphTheme = list(c("fontname", "Arial", "node")),
  ignoreModules = FALSE,
  returnFullObject = TRUE,
  gs_url = NULL,
  localFile = NULL



A Google Sheets URL (make sure it's viewable by anybody with the link!) or either a character value with a valid path to a spreadsheet (.xlsx) with the worksheets, or a named list of character strings each pointing to a .csv file with the relevant worksheet, where the names of each character value represent the names of the worksheets contained in each file.


When not working with modules, the path to a directory and file where the Rxs template will be stored. If NULL, the produced Rxs template (or the full object, depending on returnFullObject) is returned visibly.

outputPath, outputFilenamePattern

If NULL, the produced Rxs templates are returned (visibly) in a list (or the full object is, depending on returnFullObject). If not NULL, outputPath has to be a valid path where the Rxs templates will be written to, and outputFilenamePattern has to be a valid character value (i.e. a text string) containing %s in the position where the module identifier will be inserted in the filenames.


If not NULL, either a path to a single .xlsx file to save a local backup spreadsheet to, or a named list with character values, where each name is the name of a worksheet (e.g. entities, valueTemplates, definitions, and instructions), and each named value is the path to store the corresponding worksheets will be stored as .csv file.


Optionally, override the YAML metadata set in the template, specifically, by providing a named list containing one or more of title, author, and date as character values. If provided, these will override the default values in the Rmd file that is the Rxs template.


The name of the root element


Whether to prevent accidental overwriting of the extraction templates.


Whether to throw an error when validation failed or not. If FALSE, the validation log is shown in the rendered output; if TRUE rendering is aborted by an error that shows the log.


Whether to be silent or chatty.


The top-most heading level for the instructions.


The graph theme to use.


Optionally, you can ignore modules specified in the Rxs specification spreadsheet by setting ignoreModules to TRUE.


Whether to return the full object or just the template.


DEPRECATED - please use x instead! A Google Sheets URL (make sure it's viewable by anybody with the link!).


DEPRECATED - please use x instead! When reading from a local file, pass either a character value with a valid path to a spreadsheet (.xlsx) with the worksheets, or a named list of character strings each pointing to a .csv file with the relevant worksheet, where the names of each character value represent the names of the worksheets contained in each file.


Either a full object, containing the template and other products, or just the template.