These function extracts all YAML fragments from all files in a directory returning a list of character vectors containing the extracted fragments.

  recursive = TRUE,
  fileRegexes = c("^[^\\.]+.*$"),
  delimiterRegEx = "^---$",
  ignoreOddDelimiters = FALSE,
  encoding = "UTF-8",
  silent = TRUE



The path containing the files.


Whether to also process subdirectories (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


A vector of regular expressions to match the files against: only files matching one or more regular expressions in this vector are processed. The default regex (^[^\.]+.*$) matches all files except those that start with a period (.).


The regular expression used to locate YAML fragments.


Whether to throw an error (FALSE) or delete the last delimiter (TRUE) if an odd number of delimiters is encountered.


The encoding to use when calling readLines(). Set to NULL to let readLines() guess.


Whether to be silent (TRUE) or informative (FALSE).


A list of character vectors.


### First get the directory where 'yum' is installed yumDir <- system.file(package="yum"); ### Specify the path of some example files examplePath <- file.path(yumDir, "extdata"); ### Show files (should be three .dct files) list.files(examplePath);
#> [1] "attitude.dct" "behavior.dct" "intention.dct"
### Load these files yum::extract_yaml_dir(path=examplePath);
#> $`C:/Users/micro/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpOme9Rr/temp_libpath4b4828e3ef5/yum/extdata/attitude.dct` #> [[1]] #> [1] "---" #> [2] "dct:" #> [3] " -" #> [4] " id: attitude_71vqm37n" #> [5] " label: Attitude" #> [6] " date: 2018-12-13" #> [7] " source:" #> [8] " label: Reasoned Action Approach" #> [9] " xdoi: ISBN" #> [10] " def:" #> [11] " def: A latent definition or tendency to respond with some degree of favorableness or unfavorableness to a psychological object." #> [12] " source:" #> [13] " spec: p. 76" #> [14] " measure_dev:" #> [15] " instr: Use semantic differentials with root \"For me, [TARGET BEHAVIOR] is ...\" and a bidimensional scale where the right-most anchor expresses a good, pleasant, beneficial, or interesting evaluation and the left-most anchor expresses the opposite bad/unpleasant/harmful/boring evaluation. The dimensions that are measured can differ depending on whatever is most relevant for the target behavior (e.g. dimensions such as unfavourable-favourable could also be used)." #> [16] " source:" #> [17] " spec: p. 461" #> [18] " manipulate_dev:" #> [19] " instr:" #> [20] " source:" #> [21] " measure_code: " #> [22] " instr: Questionnaires that measure beneficial or pleasant aspects of the latent disposition or tendency to respond favourably versus unfavourably to [target behavior], for example using the semantic differentials good/bad, pleasant/unpleasant, wise/unwise." #> [23] " source: none" #> [24] " manipulate_code:" #> [25] " instr:" #> [26] " source:" #> [27] " aspect_code:" #> [28] " instruction: Any global evaluation of the target behavior as a whole. Note that evaluations of specific aspects or consequences of the behavior relate to aspects of underlying constructs, not of attitude itself." #> [29] " parentId: intention_71vr5q3q" #> [30] " alterId: " #> [31] "---" #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "yamlFragment" #> #> [[2]] #> [1] "---" #> [2] "dct:" #> [3] " -" #> [4] " id: attitude_instrumental_xl678lqgp" #> [5] " label: Instrumental Attitude" #> [6] " date: 2018-11-28" #> [7] " source:" #> [8] " label: Reasoned Action Approach" #> [9] " id: ISBN" #> [10] " def:" #> [11] " def: Ins Att Def" #> [12] " id: pp. 17-18" #> [13] " measure_dev:" #> [14] " instr: Use semantic differentials with root \"For me, [TARGET BEHAVIOR] is ...\" and a bidimensional scale where the right-most anchor expresses a generally desirable instrumental state/goal and the left-most anchor expresses the opposite undesirable state/goal (e.g. \"unwise\" versus \"wise\")." #> [15] " measure_code:" #> [16] " Bla die bla." #> [17] " manipulate_dev: " #> [18] " instr: Operationalisations that measure cognitive aspects of the latent disposition or tendency to respond favourably versus unfavourably to [target behavior], for example using the semantic differentials wise/unwise, good/bad." #> [19] " source: none" #> [20] " aspect_code:" #> [21] " instr: Expressions of benefits or advantages one perceives to be caused/obtained by engaging in the target behavior." #> [22] " source: none" #> [23] " parentId: attitude_71vqm37n" #> [24] "---" #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "yamlFragment" #> #> [[3]] #> [1] "---" #> [2] "dct:" #> [3] " -" #> [4] " id: attitude_experiential_xl678lqgn" #> [5] " label: Experiential Attitude" #> [6] " date: 2018-11-28" #> [7] " source:" #> [8] " label: Reasoned Action Approach" #> [9] " id: ISBN" #> [10] " def:" #> [11] " def: Exp Att Def" #> [12] " id: pp. 15-16" #> [13] " measure_dev:" #> [14] " instr: Use semantic differentials with root \"For me, [TARGET BEHAVIOR] is ...\" and a bidimensional scale where the right-most anchor expresses a pleasant affective state and the left-most anchor expresses the opposite unpleasant affective state (e.g. \"unpleasant\" versus \"pleasant\")." #> [15] " manipulate_dev:" #> [16] " instr: hit one group of people with a stick and do nothing with the other group" #> [17] " measure_code: " #> [18] " instr: Operationalisations that measure affective aspects of the latent disposition or tendency to respond favourably versus unfavourably to [target behavior], for example using the semantic differentials pleasant/unpleasant, fun/boring." #> [19] " source: none" #> [20] " aspect_code:" #> [21] " instruction: Expressions of feelings, emotions, or affective associations that one perceives to be caused by engaging in the target behavior." #> [22] " source: none" #> [23] " parentId: attitude_71vqm37n" #> [24] " alterId: affective_expectancies" #> [25] "---" #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "yamlFragment" #> #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "yamlFragments" "list" #> #> $`C:/Users/micro/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpOme9Rr/temp_libpath4b4828e3ef5/yum/extdata/behavior.dct` #> [[1]] #> [1] "---" "dct:" #> [3] " -" " id: behavior_xl67k7w8j" #> [5] " label: Behavior" " date: 2018-11-29" #> [7] " def:" " def: The target behavior" #> [9] "---" #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "yamlFragment" #> #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "yamlFragments" "list" #> #> $`C:/Users/micro/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpOme9Rr/temp_libpath4b4828e3ef5/yum/extdata/intention.dct` #> [[1]] #> [1] "---" #> [2] "dct:" #> [3] " -" #> [4] " id: intention_71vr5q3q" #> [5] " label: Intention" #> [6] " date: 2018-12-13" #> [7] " source:" #> [8] " name: Reasoned Action Approach" #> [9] " id: ISBN" #> [10] " def:" #> [11] " def: The readiness to engage in the behavior, incorporating concepts such as willingness, behavioral expectation, and trying." #> [12] " id: pp. 43" #> [13] " measure_dev:" #> [14] " Instr: Use a likert scale to ask participants to what degree they intend to, are willing to, or plan to perform the target behavior." #> [15] " source:" #> [16] " spec: p. 463" #> [17] " measure_code: " #> [18] " instr: Operationalisations that measure the degree to which [target population] have a deliberate (reasoned) plan/intention to engage in [target behavior]." #> [19] " aspect_code:" #> [20] " instr: Any expressions that somebody has the intention, goal, or plan to perform a target behavior." #> [21] " parentId: behavior_xl67k7w8j" #> [22] " alterId:" #> [23] "---" #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "yamlFragment" #> #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "yamlFragments" "list" #> #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "yamlFragmentsFromDir" "list"