This function does some cleaning and simplifying to allow efficient specification of elements in the YAML fragments.

simplify_by_flattening(x, simplify = ".*", .level = 1)



Extracted (and loaded) YAML fragments


A regular expression specifying which elements to simplify (default is everything)


Internal argument to enable slightly-less-than-elegant 'recursion'.


A simplified list (but still a list)


yamlFragmentExample <- ' --- source: - id: src_1 label: "Label 1" - id: src_2 label: "Label 2" assertion: - id: assertion_1 label: "Assertion 1" - id: assertion_2 label: "Assertion 2" --- '; loadedExampleFragments <- load_yaml_fragments(yamlFragmentExample); simplified <- simplify_by_flattening(loadedExampleFragments); ### Pre simmplification: str(loadedExampleFragments);
#> List of 1 #> $ :List of 2 #> ..$ source :List of 2 #> .. ..$ :List of 2 #> .. .. ..$ id : chr "src_1" #> .. .. ..$ label: chr "Label 1" #> .. ..$ :List of 2 #> .. .. ..$ id : chr "src_2" #> .. .. ..$ label: chr "Label 2" #> ..$ assertion:List of 2 #> .. ..$ :List of 2 #> .. .. ..$ id : chr "assertion_1" #> .. .. ..$ label: chr "Assertion 1" #> .. ..$ :List of 2 #> .. .. ..$ id : chr "assertion_2" #> .. .. ..$ label: chr "Assertion 2" #> - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "yumFromFile" "list"
### Post simmplification: str(simplified);
#> List of 4 #> $ source :List of 2 #> ..$ id : chr "src_1" #> ..$ label: chr "Label 1" #> $ source :List of 2 #> ..$ id : chr "src_2" #> ..$ label: chr "Label 2" #> $ assertion:List of 2 #> ..$ id : chr "assertion_1" #> ..$ label: chr "Assertion 1" #> $ assertion:List of 2 #> ..$ id : chr "assertion_2" #> ..$ label: chr "Assertion 2"